Piano Migration V - an online work by Ivan Franco & Kathy Hinde at Interact

Last month I was invited to present a work for the Interact online magazine. Interact is dedicated to new media art and culture, where they have a space named “Laboratory” as an online gallery. I thought that possibly an online gallery of this kind would essentially be dedicated to net.art but I was very fond of being allowed to freely choose whatever I wanted to present. So the result is “Piano Migration V”, a video piece produced in Max/MSP by me and Kathy Hinde during our last N.I.P residence. Kathy filmed a lovely nature moment and during some conversations we realized the beauty of combining natural and artificial into a pretty poetic and intertwined moment. You can find the piece on: http://www.interact.com.pt

(under the section “laboratory”)

Ivan Franco
Interaction Design | R&D | Digital Art

My research interests include interactive technologies and digital art.