
Luso-phonia 2008

Tonight I’ll be playing in Barcelona, at Espai NIU. This event is part of the Luso-phonia Exhibition, an event that wishes to address the relationships between sound art and the social space. It’s also a showcase of Portuguese sound artists and electronic musicians in Barcelona. You can check the details at:  (portuguese and spanish only)

Lively Dreams premiere at Temp d'Images

Lively Dreams is the title of a new contemporary dance piece, produced by me and Lígia Teixeira, and with the collaboration of an extensive array of programmers and designers. It will premiere next weekend, on Temp d’Images Festival , at CCB. You can find more details on Lígia’s website .

8 and 9th of November, 19:00pm, CCB (Portugal)

Future Places Festival

Next Friday will be playing on the Future Places Festival . This event is organized by Colab , which was created to promote collaboration in the area of emerging technologies between Portuguese Universities and Austin Texas University. Curated by Heitor Alvelos and Karen Gustafson, FUTURE PLACES is a meeting of people with one question in mind: if digital media can do so much for global communication, knowledge and creativity, how can it contribute to local cultural development?

Piano Migration V - an online work by Ivan Franco & Kathy Hinde at Interact

Last month I was invited to present a work for the Interact online magazine. Interact is dedicated to new media art and culture, where they have a space named “Laboratory” as an online gallery. I thought that possibly an online gallery of this kind would essentially be dedicated to but I was very fond of being allowed to freely choose whatever I wanted to present. So the result is “Piano Migration V”, a video piece produced in Max/MSP by me and Kathy Hinde during our last N.

SXSW Panel Picking - New Interfaces for Performance

This year I submitted a panel to the South by Southwest 2009 Festival, in Austin Texas. This panel addresses the state-of-the-art on New Interfaces for Performance and its future challenges. Since these panels are chosen by the audience I encourage you to vote for my panel at , under “New Technology, Next Generation”. Deadline: 29th of August.

Ivan Franco + André Gonçalves - Performance @ Europa (LX)

I have teamed up with André Gonçalves , for an evening performance at Europa, next Saturday, the 19th of July. Europa is a club in the center of Lisbon, in Cais do Sodré. The event is sponsored by Pampero , a Rum brand that has been tapping into an interesting niche of contemporary art.

Um Festival

The Um Festival will start next Thursday in Lisbon. It’s the first edition of an Experimental and Mixed Media Festival and it will have a very distinct palette of artists, with conferences, workshops and performances. My talk is on Panel 1: “Gesture and Movement Based Interfaces”. I’ll try to review some electronic music controllers, relationships with the DIY generation and reflect on some design issues. I’ll also perform with the N.

NIP @ Espaço do Tempo

The last week was spent in Espaço do Tempo , in residence with the N.I.P . group. Espaço do Tempo is located in Montemor-o-Novo, in Portugal. This place is the most amazing and inspiring location for a residence. The contact with nature, the great landscapes and the magical place that is Convento da Saudação… We have to thank Rui Horta and his team for their warm welcome.

Pixelache 08 Aftermath

We had a very good time! Here’s some video documentation.


I’m traveling on the second week of March, with the N.I.P. crew, to go and play at the Pixelache festival in Helsinki. If you don’t know about Pixelache , it’s a festival with seminars, performances and workshops on the topics of Digital Media. But no one better to explain it than Juha Huuskonen in this recent interview on We Make Money Not Art. I’ll bring along the Airsticks and get together with André Gonçalves (PT), Tom Verbruggen (NL), Teresa Dillon (UK), Kathy Hinde (UK) and Rudolfo Quintas (PT).